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UZH for Researchers

Documents for UZH Technology Platforms

Here you will find the most important documents concerning UZH technology platforms. The documents are currently only available in German.


The cocept on governance and financial guidelines for research technology platforms at the University of Zurich (Governance und Finanzierungsrichtlinien für Technologie-Plattformen für Forschung an der UZH) sets out the basic principles on financing, operating, and using technology platforms.

Concept paper (PDF, 510 KB)

General Fact Sheet

This fact sheet summarizes the key information on UZH technology platforms and describes how technology platforms receive recognition.

General Fact Sheet (PDF, 477 KB)

Guidelines for user fees

Th guidelines define the principles for the calculation of user fees and product prices of the technology platforms at UZH.

Guidelines for user fees (PDF, 99 KB)

Template Business Plan

The template contains the main features of a business plan that should be addressed when applying for recognition as an official UZH technology platform.

Template Business Plan (PDF, 99 KB)

TPF Funding

The instructions provide information on context, deadlines, and procedures when submitting applications for TPF funding.
The deadlines for applications are found on the technology commission site.
For applications the provided form should be used.

Guidelines for TPF Funding (PDF, 69 KB)

Application Form for TPF Funding (DOCX, 51 KB)

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